
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Wood backs finally appear for Moto X - and they're cheap

Wood backs finally appear for Moto X - and they're cheap

23 hours ago
When the Google-Motorola flagship Moto X Android phone launched, we were promised a slew of super-cool backplates, including various types of wood. And finally, nearly six months later, those coveted wood backs are finally available, and for a surprisingly low premium.
The walnut finish (left), teak (right) and ebony (above).
The Bamboo back has been available for some time, but the $100 price tag likely turned off many potential buyers. Starting Jan. 21 (that's this coming Tuesday), you'll be able to pick between handsome walnut, warm teak and tiger-striped ebony wood — for the low, low price of $25.
These aren't vinyl decals like so many "wood" backs for phones and tablets. No, these are the real thing, each one different. Hopefully that means they'll wear and polish over time in the charming way that wood does.
If you just bought a Moto X with bamboo in the last few days, don't worry: Motorola is refunding $75 to recent purchasers of the $100 backplate. If you're not sure whether you make the cutoff, you might want to give customer service a call or email.
Head over to the Moto Maker website to see the new backs and configure your phone.
Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBC News Digital. His personal website is


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