The study carried out by a group of researchers from BYU has found that obese and overweight children are said to less likely participate in physical activity one year later, if they are bullied while exercising.
The Journal of Pediatric Psychology-published study also concluded that bullying effect was also seen in children having healthy weight. They were also found to be having decreased physical activity one year later.
Dr. Chad Jensen, lead author of the study, said that they have carried out an experiment in which students of fourth and fifth grade took part from six different elementary schools in the Midwest.
Participants were asked to fill six questionnaires in total. Three were completed before the study started and remaining three surveys were filled by them after one year.
The surveys had questions with regard to any health problems, emotional well-being, and association with class-mates, physical activity and bullying incident if any while doing physical activity and its emotional effect.
It was found that physical activity of healthy-weight children declined due to bullying. “Overweight kids who were teased reported poorer functional ability across domains (physical, social, academic and physical)”, said Jensen.
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