
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hypertension drugs can get ineffective after green tea consumption

Hypertension drugs can get ineffective after green tea consumption 

Hypertension drugs can get ineffective after green tea consumption Green tea has been touted for its capability to lower pulse, yet new research uncovers that the drink that is often taken as a refreshment can additionally make hypertension sedates less effective.
Japanese specialists from Fukushima Medical University uncovered that the pulse drug nadolol is less successful after a cup of green tea.
Dr.  Gregg Fonarow, a representative for the American Heart Association who was not a part of the study said, "Patients with nadolol might as well abstain from taking green tea.  People who take nadolol along with green tea should have a word with their medical practitioner."
The most recent study included 10 men and ladies who were healthy.  The members were given nadolol once after some green tea once a day for two weeks and again after water.
The discoveries uncovered that green tea weakened the circulatory strain sedate by cutting the focus that entered the bloodstream by seventy five percent.  Analysts accept that the chemicals in green tea may meddle with the digestive tract's capacity to retain and move the medication into the bloodstream.


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