In order to know the same as well as to get answers of other questions, D-Health project has been designed, which will be carried out by Queensland researchers. The project will initiate today.
A group of researchers from QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute will be carrying out the study. Lead researcher Rachel Neale said one of the most important things for which the study is going to be carried out is to know whether Australians need to take vitamin D supplement or not.
There is need for an answer to the question whether Australia is one of the countries across the world that remains sun-drenched? The study is going to be one-of-its-kind as the researchers are going to follow 25,000 Australians aged between 60 and 79 years.
Half of them will be asked to take the supplement and rest of them will have a placebo once a month for five years. It is expected that the study will be able to come up with definitive conclusions with regard to vitamin D.
Can't wait to see the results of this study!!!